Facebook’s New Algorithms- Social media Management Agency London

Social Media is a place to share, and when I say share, it covers a bit of everything. Some good, others not so good. Family vacations, new adventures, inspiring stories, and quotes ... well. Political views, personal/private details of your family life and marriage, negativity in general ... not so good.

Then, I would think that issues related to nutrition, fitness and health problems would be a positive thing. Unfortunately, Social media Management Agency London has been bombarded with deceptive ads that are fake, extravagant and take advantage of vulnerable users when it comes to losing weight or solving health problems. In 2013, Jezebel published a publication that analyzed some of the worst ads on Facebook, and among them were numerous "cures" to lose weight.

Facebook is now taking action against them, with two new updates to the News Feed algorithm designed to reduce the reach of advertisements that promote miraculous health statements.

As Facebook explained:

“In our continuous efforts to improve the quality of the information in News Feed, we consider classification changes based on how they affect people, publishers and our community in general. We know that people don't like sensational posts or spam, and misleading health content is particularly bad for our community. So, last month we made two classification updates to reduce (1) publications with exaggerated or sensational health claims and (2) publications that attempt to sell products or services based on health-related statements.
For the first update, we consider whether a health publication exaggerates or deceives, for example, by making a sensational statement about a miraculous cure. For the second, we consider whether a publication promotes a product or service based on a health-related claim, for example, promoting a drug or a pill that claims to help you lose weight. "

So how does Facebook remove that content?

"We handle this in a similar way to how we have previously reduced low-quality content such as clickbait: identifying phrases that were commonly used in these publications to predict which publications could include sensational health statements or product promotion with health-related statements, and then show them below in News Feed. We will continue running to minimize low-quality health content on Facebook. "

How will this affect users?

For most of us, we should see less of those extravagant ads with miraculous cures, weight loss creams, and fake photos. That's good news! If it is a company that publishes questionable health claims, you should probably stop doing so.

The second update of Facebook involves video. It is obvious that the content that contains video works exceptionally well because it humanizes your brand and helps the viewer understand what they are seeing more easily than in the written text. With the introduction of Watch and Stories, Facebook has shown priority for the video in its news algorithm.

Now they are taking a step further. In an update released on Monday, David Miller, director of product management at Facebook, revealed updates to the Facebook video ranking algorithm. The purpose of this is to help video content creators "find their readers and create successful video businesses on Facebook."

What is changing in the Facebook algorithm?

Facebook will now reward you for creating video content that provides repeated views. That funny clip or favorite recipe that you see, again and again, will benefit greatly from this update. The duration was also mentioned in the algorithm, noting that three-minute videos generally work best and those that capture the attention span for at least one minute will have a higher ranking. Basically, Facebook wants to make sure you're creating valuable content that users really use. Finally, updating the algorithm will eliminate the priority of pages that simply share videos and do not upload original content.

Why it is important for sellers

If you are thinking of investing in Facebook videos, now is the time! Your video strategy should reflect the new changes in the algorithm, specifically reaching the three-minute timeframe that Facebook is looking for.
If you don't align with what Facebook wants your video content to be, you are losing potential customers and potentially valuable brand awareness. And, I could be wasting effort on videos that don't attract attention.

Social networks for customer service: do companies keep up?

In today's advanced digital marketplace, customers are no longer stuck with just an automated telephone system to respond to their customer service needs. There is a wide variety of service channels to choose from that serve different customers: self-service knowledge bases, chatbots and messaging services on social networks.

And it seems that companies are seeing the value of social media customer service. In their publication "2016 State of Social Business," Altimeter analysts Ed Terpening and Aubrey Littleton report that among 523 respondents in large companies in the US. UU. And Europe, "social customer service" is now the main external objective for social business functions, just before "Relationship building", which also focused on current customers, not customer acquisition.

For customers, interact with brands through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, etc. It is often faster and easier, and many customers believe they receive better attention through these channels than they receive by phone and email. According to a new Conversocial report, 54% of customers prefer customer service through social networks and SMS. Because of this, Twitter and Facebook have implemented several adjustments and improvements to their platforms to make them even more viable replacements for traditional contact channels.
